Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA)

Working group organization

The following guidelines apply:

  • Working groups consist of participants of at least two institutions, two countries, and if possible two disciplines
  • Working groups are encouraged to engage with relevant stakeholders. Stakeholders include governmental and conservation agencies, non-governmental organizations, policy-makers, and other representatives of civil society likely to influence or be influenced by the group's work
  • Working groups are led by one clearly designated person. This person is responsible for coordinating activities within the group and for communication with the GMBA office
  • Communication includes a brief work plan (including a timeline of milestones and deliverables) at inception, updates about ongoing activities, and a report at the end of the project. Results and deliverables generated during the course of the project are disseminated via the GMBA website as they become available
  • Unless otherwise approved, working groups last for two years
  • Working groups are expected to maintain a reasonable level of activity to guarantee relevant output. Activities include communication between group members and with the broader community, topical seminars, and workshops.
  • Working group outputs include scientific publications, research tools, and project proposals.

GMBA currently offers to support working groups in identifying relevant partners within and beyond the scientific community, in helping raise funds for specific activities, in co-organizing seminars or workshops, and in communicating results and knowledge. Communication channels include a dedicated page on the GMBA website. GMBA can currently not offer direct financial support.