GMBA resources & publications

Körner C, Urbach D,  Paulsen J (2021). Mountain definitions and their consequences. Alpine Botany 131: 213-217.

Payne D, Spehn E.M., Prescott G.W., Geschke J., Snethlage M., Fischer M. (2020). Mountain biodiversity is central for sustainable development, in mountains and beyond. One Earth 3(5): 530-533.

Payne D., Snethlage M., Geschke J., Spehn E.M., Fischer M. (2020). Nature and people in the Andes, East African Mountains, European Alps, and Hindu Kush Himalaya: current research and future directions. Mountain Research and Development 40(2): A1-A14.

Payne D., Hoorn C., Randin C., Flantua S. (2020). Past changes in species diversity: A view from the mountains. PAGES Magazine 28(1): 18-19.

Payne D, Spehn E, Snethlage M, and Fischer M (2017). Opportunities for research on mountain biodiversity under global change. Current Opinions in Sustainability Sciences 29: 40-47.

Körner C, Jetz W, Paulsen J, Payne D, Rudmann-Maurer K, Spehn E (2017). A global inventory of mountains for bio-geographical applications. Alpine Botany 127(1): 1-15.

Paulsen J and Körner C (2014). A climate-based model to predict potential treeline position around the globe Alpine Botany 124(1): 1-12.

Körner C, Paulsen J and Spehn EM (2011). A definition of mountains and their bioclimatic belts for global comparisons of biodiversity data. Alpine Botany 121:73-78.

Martin F. Price, Gregory Greenwood, Eva M. Spehn (2016) Introduction: Mountains of Our Future Earth—Perth 2015. Mountain Research and Development 36(4):403-406.

Adler et al. (2018) Observing and monitoring mountains in a changing world: new horizons for the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) initiative, Global Network for Observations and Information on Mountain Environments (GEO-GNOME). Mountain Research and Development 38(3): 265-269.

Sayre et al. (2018) ). A new high-resolution map of the mountains of the world and an online tool for visualizing and comparing three characterizations of global mountain distributions. Mountain Research and Development 38(3): 240-249.

Norstroem et al (2020) Principles for knowledge co-production in sustainability research. Nature Sustainability 3: 182-190.

Flantua et al (2020) Snapshot isolation and isolation history challenge the analogy between mountains and islands used to understand endemism. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(10): 1651-163.

Randin et al (2020) Monitoring biodiversity in the anthropocene using remote sensing in species distribution models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 239.

Schneider F et al. (2021) Co-production of knowledge and sustainability transformations: a strategic compass for global research networks. Current Opinions in Environmental Sciences 49: 127-142.